Arjo Left Leg Amputee Clip Sling

Arjo Left Leg Amputee Clip Sling

The Amputee left leg clip sling is designed for residents/patients with left leg amputations above or below the knee or total hip. This sling is shaped to give additional support around the amputation site.

Selecting the most appropriate sling is important to ensure it is suitable for the patient/resident, for the type of transfer required and compatible with the lift being used.

The sling is intended for assisted transfer of single leg amputee patients/residents with limited ability to move.

This sling should only be used together with Arjo passive lift systems (clip attachment) in accordance with the allowed combinations page on the specified section of the Instruction for Use.


Product Code: MAA4080M.

SWL: 272kg.

Sizes: M, L, LL, XL.

Complies with the EN ISO 10535 standard.

3-month warranty (free from manufacturer’s defects).

Aged Care | ARJO | Disability | Facilities | Homecare | Hospital | ISO 10535 | Mobility